parshat Shoftim

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PIxabayEnvironmental Responsibility
Covenant & conversation by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
  • The Answer Is “Simple.”
    This short little five-word phrase – “You should be tamim with Hashem your G-d” - is one of the most powerful and profound p’sukim in the Torah. But - what does “Tamim” mean?
  • Learning and Leadership
    The parsha of Shoftim is the classic source of the three types of leadership in Judaism, called by the Sages the “three crowns”: of priesthood, kingship and Torah.
  • What’s the Matter with Horses?
    The first commandment addressed to the Jewish king is: “Just he should not acquire for himself many horses, and he should not return the nation to Egypt to acquire many horses" . The commentators have explanations of the connection between the prohibition on horses and the matter of not going to Egypt.
  • The Torah's Real Estate Advice
    Discussing Jewish property rights and real estate, comparing the laws as they apply in the Diaspora and in the Land of Israel.
  • shutterstock_163614317.jpg
    Law and Order
    A Shiur by Rabbi Berel Wein for the Weeky Torah reading of "Shoftim".
  • שיג ושיח
    A Sage is Greater than a Prophet
    A Shiur by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks for the weekly Torah reading of "Shoftim".
  • Semicha and Sanhedrin Controversies of the 16th and 21st Centuries
    An explanation of the various halachic underpinnings of the Sanhedrin, including: What are the roles and responsibilities of the Sanhedrin? What exactly is semicha, and why is it such a central factor in the creation of the Sanhedrin? What attempts have been made in the last hundreds of years to reconvene a Sanhedrin and reestablish semicha?
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר